Iboga – Ibogaine

As a rite of passage medicine, Iboga creates a once-in-a-lifetime experience that provides you with the insight you need to facilitate profound psychological change.

Ibogaine is an alkaloid found in the root of the Tabernanthe Iboga plant. In the cultural context, Iboga is greatly valued by the Bwiti of Gabon and is used to commune with spirits and the ancestors.

In the therapeutic context, Ibogaine has been successfully used in the treatment of stress-related burn-out, depression, certain personality disorders, mood disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and especially to help resolve childhood and adult trauma. There is also emerging evidence that it may be effective in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.

​​​In addition to psychological disorders, Iboga is unique in its ability to assist with recovery from substance use disorders.

A single dose of Ibogaine can significantly reduce the withdrawal symptoms that occur when discontinuing an addictive substance. It has persistent anti-craving and anti-depressant effects that can continue for weeks following the initial treatment. It works by resetting the neurotransmitters of the brain while providing insight into the trauma and psychological dynamics that contribute to substance use disorders and other psychological issues.

Although each Ibogaine experience is unique, there are a few common aspects to each journey. The effects can last between 24 and 48 hours, and the physical effects vary. Some possible discomforts include ataxia (temporary loss of muscle coordination), mild tremors (shaking), photosensitivity (sensitivity to light), nausea, vomiting, slight changes in blood pressure, and possible sleeplessness.

The potential for risk with the use of Ibogaine can be substantially minimised. This is achieved by avoiding contraindicated substances before and during therapy, proper medical screening for any pre-existing contraindicated conditions, careful medical monitoring, and compassionate support before, during, and after therapy. The physical side effects usually subside within hours after the treatment.

​By taking time to explore your intentions for treatment and focusing on where healing is needed, you can get the most out of the journey. Ibogaine produces a waking dream state while also processing learning and memory. The Ibogaine state of consciousness is characterised by visual phenomena that resemble vivid dreams, reflections, or memories.

You may experience these visions from an objective perspective, allowing you to examine events without fear, shame, guilt, and other feelings associated with trauma. Not everyone reports having visions or dreams, and the healing potential of Iboga does not depend on whether or not you have visions.

Iboga does not cause a loss of consciousness or depersonalisation. The long-term effects include reduced anxiety, improved mood, reduced cravings, and increased energy. Some who undertake the journey report having difficulty with sleep for a short period, but sleep patterns usually return to normal. To date, no adverse long-term side effects associated with the use of Ibogaine have been reported.

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Heroin & Other opiods

​​No one sets out to become a heroin addict. Yet sometimes, life circumstances, choices or even medical emergencies lead to opioid dependence. Once hooked, the cycle of opioid use disorder is nearly impossible to break by willpower alone. Ibogaine is best known for its ability to assist in recovery from opioid dependence. 


Cocaine is an incredibly destructive substance due to its effects on the body and brain. It can also wreak havoc on your personal and professional relationships, not to mention your financial well-being. An Ibogaine treatment, when combined with supportive therapy and a serious desire to make changes, can shift you back to a healthy and productive life.


The frequent use of crystal meth (methamphetamines) can be devastating for your mental and physical health. Many traditional detox and abstinence treatment strategies are ineffective for cravings. Ibogaine, however, can provide the chemical reset required to overcome the damage done to the dopaminergic system of the brain.


Alcoholism is a serious problem. Many people fail to recognise the harmful effects of alcohol use until it is too late. Alcohol use disorder is progressive and chronic, and it does not discriminate based on social class, age, gender or ethnicity. Ibogaine treatment can assist in the recovery from alcohol use disorder by reducing cravings. Ibogaine is also helpful in addressing the underlying trauma associated with alcohol dependence.

Post Traumatic Stress

Post-traumatic stress is a complex psychological disorder that can be extremely difficult to treat. The condition may last months or years, with triggers that can bring back memories of trauma accompanied by intense physical and emotional reactions. Ibogaine treatment, when combined with a structured psychotherapy programme, can facilitate a promising turn-around in the treatment of trauma and complex post-traumatic stress disorder.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a psychological disorder that results in severe high and low moods and changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, thinking and behaviour.  Ibogaine can provide an alternative in the long-term treatment of some of the symptoms associated with bipolar symptoms and help the person to regain a sense of control over their life.


​​Many people experience burnout, depression or anxiety. Unfortunately, well-intentioned advice given by friends and family is often to just ‘get over it’. It is not that easy. When emotional distress lasts for extended periods of time, it becomes a chronic condition that requires treatment. Ibogaine is extremely effective in the treatment of depression, burnout and anxiety. It not only provides psychological insight into underlying dynamics, but it can also enable psychological resilience, motivation, and energy.

Iboga in Ceremonial Context

Iboga is a rite of passage among the Bwiti of Gabon, Cameroon and the Congo. Initiates undergo a strenuous process that lasts a number of days, supported by the ritual leaders and the rest of the community. The purpose of the Ibogaine journey is to meet with and to commune with spiritual entities and ancestors for the purpose of gaining insight and knowledge. These insights are expected to carry the Bwiti initiate for the rest of his/her lifetime.

Spiritual Development

Ibogaine is an excellent tool for personal and spiritual development. The Iboga journey allows you to see who you are in a way you have never experienced yourself, and that is exceptionally powerful. Beyond the personal, Iboga can also lift the veil to realms beyond your previous understanding and experiences. Each Iboga journey is completely unique, but common elements could include meeting and communing with spirit guides and entities who are here to guide and help you on your journey.

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